A Chicago Democrat failed in her attempt to run a concealed-carry bill through the Illinois House. By court order, the state – the only one without any concealed-carry provision – must pass a law of some kind by June. Inspired by New York’s law, so restrictive that, it’s said, not even 1 percent of that state’s residents have a permit, State Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) introduced an amendment which would allow concealed carry permits only to those who demonstrate a need for one.
Not only did about two-thirds of the House vote against the proposal, but it touched off shouts and insults notable even by the House’s standards in recent years. State Rep. Scott Drury (D-Highwood) called pro-gun arguments, “nonsense” and referred to “two-facedness from the other side of the aisle,” leading to screams from the outspoken State Rep. Mike Bost (R-Murphysboro).
After the presiding officer, State Rep. Al Riley (D-Olympia Fields), finally restored order and instructed Drury to continue, Drury said, “Thank you. So here’s my point, members: we don’t want someone like that carrying a concealed weapon.” After another free-for-all, Riley threatened to call in House doorkeepers, and Bost and Drury eventually apologized.
HB 831 HFA 1 failed to pass the House, 31-76-6.
Alton Daly News article – a short audio file is included in article: http://www.altondailynews.com/news/details.cfm?clientid=17&id=73851#.Uuk2ZPYXabK