December 10, 2013 Press Release
Olympia Fields, Ill – On Tuesday, State Rep. Al Riley (D-Olympia Fields) announced that he has been appointed as chairman of the House Mass Transit Committee.
“I am honored to serve as Chairman of the House Mass Transit committee and eager to continue my work of improving transportation in Illinois,” Riley said. “I’ve served on this committee for a number of years and my professional experience lends well to the issues the committee will face in the coming year.”
Having served on the Mass Transit committee since taking office in 2007, Riley has an extensive background in the planning field. Riley holds a Master of Urban Planning and Policy Analysis and is a long time member of the American Planning Association and the American Institute of Certified Planners. During the 95th General Assembly, Riley worked to include a permanent south suburban seat on the Metra rail board in the landmark Mass Transit Bill.
In September, Riley was awarded “Legislator of the Year” by the Illinois Public Transit Association. “I suppose that honor came from my work insuring equity in transit policy all across this state, “Riley said. “That means equity in funding, equity in access, and equity in the location of major transportation projects”.
“The south suburban region has suffered from a lack of mass transit options for many years and it is my hope that my leadership will help remedy this situation,” Riley said. “Looking at the bigger picture, stable economies and world class cities are anchored by efficient transportation options. Our state has one of the best transportation systems in the country but there are glaring areas in need of improvement, especially in the areas of governance and equity. It is my plan to immediately begin meeting with transportation advocates and agencies to begin planning for the upcoming legislative session.”
For more information, please contact Riley by email at [email protected] or by phone at (708) 799-4364.